Sunday, August 5, 2012

Five Steps for Success

Looks like I have a few notes on FB. May as well put them here.

written by Roger Ellerton for the Costco Connection magazine (March/April 2011)

What makes one person successful and another not? Often the difference is a clearly defined goal that is pursued with passion and commitment.

1) Clarify and be passionate about your life and business choices.
If you don't have an immediate goal and you meet a friend who does, most likely your friend will enlist you to help him get what he wants. And you may (silently or otherwise) become angry with him for taking advantage of you, when in reality you set the stage for what happened by not having direction.

2) Take action.
How many times have you heard a friend (or even yourself) talk passionately about achieving something, and yet she never fully commits to it and it remains but a dream? The first step to reaching a goal is to take action to achieve it.

3) Pay Attention.
Be aware of your goal and have a way to assess if you are making progress. If you can't or don't assess how well you are doing, how will you know if or when you have actually achieved it? Being able to assess your goal will help you identify if you are off course.

4) Be flexible in your approach.
Notice what is not working and take corrective action to overcome these obstacles.

5) Strive for excellence.
Be the best you can be physically and mentally -- bring all of your resources into play to achieve your goal.

Taking one, two, three, or four of these steps is not enough. What use is it to have a goal if you do not take action? Nor is it useful to take action if you are not paying attention to the results you are creating. How often have you missed achieving something important by not being flexible? And then you wonder why your life is the same today as it was yesterday, last month or last year.

For success in business and life, make these five steps the key to achieving all of your goals.

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