Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Success (for kids)

I thought this was interesting. It's from The Messenger, magazine put out by the Evangelical Mission Conference (EMC). This is in Volume 50 No. 9 September 2012 and it's officially titled "A Good Beginning", written by Loreena Thiessen. This article is geared for kids, but since many of us probably didn't grow up with this type of teaching, it doesn't hurt for adults to read it as well.

This article reminds me so much of Chad this week! He's back in cross country running this year after taking a year off. I was so proud to watch him run yesterday afternoon because, even though he's not the fastest runner, he was committed to practice three mornings each week (in the cold), he was willing to try and do his best, and he never quit! 

Anyway. Here's the article:

What would you like to achieve this year?

Often when we begin something new we also look to its completion. We want it to go well, and we want to finish well. We call this success. We want to be successful.

Success can mean different things. One is to complete what we have aimed to do, to reach our goal. Another is that when we are finished with something we want to feel satisfied. Different outcomes can each be a success.

Did you watch the London Olympics? Think back to two different results, each one a success.

One is the perfect routine of Rose MacLennan, the Canadian trampolinist. She achieved her highest goal, to be the best, and she got the gold medal. Another one is the Canadian girls soccer team. They did not win a gold medal because they were not first, not second, but they were third best. They got a bronze medal and they were very satisfied. In fact, they were overjoyed. Why were they so happy?

First, they had a goal. Their goal was to win a medal. And they did. Second, they worked as hard as they could. They were playing against another very good team and they had to play their best. Third, they did not give up. Each player kept on believing they could win.

What do you want? Do you want to work well in a group on a project? Do you want good marks? Maybe you want to excel in history or in biology. Or you might want to be a peer helper because you can explain things clearly.

What do you need to succeed?

One thing you need is to have a reliable character. Character is how you behave when no one can see what you're doing. Are you honest when no one is looking? Character is the real you.

Second, you need a goal and you need to keep working toward it. If your goal is to clean your room, it means all of your clothes and all of your toys.

Third, you need to be motivated. This means you need to want to do it. If you're reading a book and you want to finish it you may have to give up something else, like talking on the phone.

The fourth thing you need is to be calm and patient; if your math assignment is hard, ask someone for help who can explain it again.

Fifth, you need to make sure what you eat is healthy and that you get outside everyday for exercise.

Sixth, never give up. Stay focused on what you want to achieve. You may fail some of the time, but you will reach your goal only if you keep at it.

God talks about what you do every day as a race. God is everlasting, the creator of all the earth and he does not get tired. If you depend on him, he will give you strength and the ability you need to do it. Read about it in Isaiah 40: 28-31.

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