Monday, September 3, 2012

Isn't she lovely...

This is me with my fourth favorite person in the entire world! (My three kids come first, and then this little cupcake.)

I have step and in-law nieces and nephews and it's wonderful to watch them grow up and become unique individuals and then there's this one. My biological niece. (So sue me for being honest.) She is a little ray of sunshine. She's my baby sister's baby girl. She's my sister's opportunity to demonstrate that great love and tremendous success can come from the deepest loss; that no matter how many times someone can get knocked down, they can always dust themselves off and carry on, stronger and wiser.

I have always felt extra protective of my brother and sister, and responsible for them in many ways, (not that I really knew what I was doing and I didn't necessarily do it well), to fill in the gaps that my Mom couldn't fill. And I've tried to give my sister the support I wish I had from my Mom (again, not that I really knew what I was doing and I didn't necessarily do it well) but I wanted her to have more than I had because she's had to deal with more loss than I have. 

But, sadly all the hurts, loss, and pain of trying to carry it on our own sometimes results in broken relationships. 

Baby Girl, Auntie is so sad to have missed your birthday. I have a card for you and if I had known you were having a birthday party, I would have loved to watch you eat your Elmo cupcake. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Auntie wants to give you big kisses and squeezes! I love you, Baby Girl! Auntie's blowing you lots of kisses!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear u missed her special day Leanne! I know a bit of how u feel, I miss u too... Hope u r doing well.
